Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Who Wants to Smell Like Adam Levine?

So, for those of us who are perfectly happy spending times out of our day gazing at Adam Levine whether on TV, a music video, or photos (you know who you are!) you can now seize the opportunity to smell like Adam.... well... at least, smell like he wants you to!

Much to the surprise of many, Adam Levine has just launched his own, first fragrance for men and women.  Why the surprise?  Because it wasn't all that long ago that he publicly encouraged a ban on celebrity perfumes....

Well now he's changed his tune, and releasing his own, along with a video campaign to try and explain himself.  "It's not that I hate celebrities, or that I hate fragrances..."he explains, "It's that, when I see them, I don't necessarily believe that the people promoting them were particularly connected to what they were making..."

So what do you think?  Do you think Adam was totally involved in the process, or is it a creative new approach to marketing?  He seems sincere, but of course probably got a lovely deal out of the whole thing...

Tell us your thoughts!

Posted by:  SV

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